cat. lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. Vol 1 1125. Eucereon aroa. (Plate ,, T VII. fig. 15.) Eucereon aroa, Schaus, P . Z. S. 1804, p. 2:29. Eucereon co~tulatuni, Druce, Biol. Centr.-Am., Het. i. p. 87 (part). Male. Head, thorax, and abdomen fuscons: vertex of head with two ora11ge spots ; shoulders with orange spots ; patagia striped with orange; legs mostly pale; abdomen with the last segment orange, the first two segments with pale ventral patches followed by yellowish sublateral patches. Fore wing greyish, tinged in parts with yellow, the veins and submodian interspace streaked with fuscous to beyond the cell; a slight streak in middle of cell, ,vith mark on costa above it; a discocellular lunule conjoined to the costa; traces of an oblique series of points on the veins beyond the cell; an oblique series of three spots from costa before apex to termen at vein 3 ; some diffused fuscous on apical part of termen. Hind wing pale, with fuscous suffusion on terminal area, especially towards apex. Femake . Abdomen with the last two segments orange, the ventral surface white to near extremity. Fore wing with veiu 6 from below angle of cell; hind wing with vein 3 separate from 4, 5. Hab. MExrco, Cordova (Riim eli\ 1 o, 1 ~ ; GUATEMALA (Champion), 1 ~, Godman-Salvin Coll.; VENEZUELA, type in Coll. Schaus. Exp., o 32, ~ 34 millim. AZ NOTE: Cat. Lep. Ph. Brit. Mus. uses a non-standard definition of "tegulae" and "patagia". From Vol. 1: "The thorax consists of three segments-the prothorax, bearing the tegulm or collar-lappets, the patagia or shoulder-lappets, and the fore legs ..."